Sunday, January 10, 2016

Comment Wall

Hello everyone and welcome to my comment wall! I am curious to hear each of your thoughts and get to know each of you more throughout this course.

I really like this song because I think it teaches a valuable lesson about not being hard on oneself and letting things go. I am definitely one to critique myself too harshly, so I think this is a good reminder!


  1. Hey Morgan,

    Soooo, I've only clicked on the first page of your storybook and I'm already in love. Haha. One, because it's called "The Magic of Reading"—like, YES. And two, because of the Hermione meme.

    …Aaaand then I clicked on the intro and saw Cinderella's castle at Disney World...definitely another awesome point. I haven’t even started reading and I’m excited. I love the layout and style, too! The sparkling background goes really well with the “fairy/princess/magic” theme.

    As I started reading the intro, I was a little confused about how the title, "The Magic of Reading," correlated with the storybook. I guess since they’re all princesses whose stories involve magic, it kind of makes sense, but I thought it might have something to do with reading sparking magic…like the stories might involve magical books or something.

    One thing I noticed was that you referred to Sleeping Beauty as "Beauty," which is kind of confusing, since some people refer to Belle from Beauty and the Beast as Beauty, and Sleeping Beauty's actual name is Aurora. It might help to call her Aurora.

    Overall, I love it! I’m really excited to read it!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Chandler!
      Just to quickly reply to your message and clear up any confusion, I referred to the main character of Sleeping Beauty as "Beauty" because that is how she is referred to in Perrault's stories. The names Belle and Aurora were made up by Walt Disney so that is why I have not included them in my Perrault storytelling!

      I also appreciate your comment about how "The Magic of Reading" differs from the material in the storybook! I had actually forgotten that I had chosen this title before I had decided what the storybook was to be about. I will update that soon!

  2. Wow Morgan I loved your introduction! I really liked the way you started it off by having the ghost getting the readers attention by telling them to look to their left. I also thought it was funny when she explained that it was hard finding people because it’s often one sided. The idea that ghosts will be the narrator’s of each fairy tale is so creative! I can’t wait to read the stories and see their side to everything. It’ll be refreshing to read a different perspective to the fairy tales we have grown up hearing over and over again. I had no idea that Cinderella was originally written by Charles Perrault. I just assumed that Walt Disney was the original author! It’s frustrating that Walt Disney changed so much of the original story… I wonder why he decided to do that! I’m interested to compare the Cinderella that I’ve grown up knowing to the original Charles Perrault version. Keep up the good work!

  3. Great introduction to your introduction. The first paragraph really caught my attention. I could picture it turning into a movie and the screen being black with a voice is talking to you. While reading your introduction I also though about the ghost of christmas past. When I first started reading I imagined the stories would be taking me back in time. Then I continued to read to where it talked about Cinderella after her movie came out. What movie? I am a bit lost as to this being in the past, present or future? Maybe it's all three? I noticed you talked much more about Cinderella than Sleeping Beauty. This left me wondering about The Sleeping Beauty in The Woods? Hopefully I'll be able to find out more as you write your stories.

    Your storybook definitely has the theme of sparkles and princesses. It's a nice tough to the storybook. I think you did a good job on the breaks in your introduction. The voice of the person talking has a great character.

  4. Hey Morgan! I was just going through blogs and yours really caught my attention! I love how your background looks like a watercolor painting. You also made it very easy to read all of your posts by having the background for each post be white. It makes everything look so crisp!

  5. I like your fonts for sure. Using different font style just attracted my attention right away. I like the background theme for your blog. I think it is great that you your label above about me.

  6. I really like that you choose this video for the reasons that you did! I am also very hard on myself. I am probably my worst enemy at times. I also hold myself accountable for everything. I am glad you posted this music video. I also like the sound of the song as well as the meaning! Great reminder and encouraging!

  7. Hi Morgan!
    I was really excited to listen to this song after reading your description of it, and it definitely didn't disappoint! I feel the same about myself a a lot, and can relate to what you said about critiquing yourself harshly. I also felt like this would be a really good song to jam out to, especially if you were having a bad day.

  8. Hey Morgan! I really like this song that you chose for your Comment Wall. I had heard it before, but I didn't know who sang it until now. I will definitely have to look at more of her music. I think this is such a relatable song. We are often our own worst critic. Thank you for helping me find who sings this song!

  9. Hi Morgan! The first few lines of your introduction were so cool! I think it is because of the size of my screen, but when I read that "Turn to you left" line, it was actually on the left side of my screen, so that was really cool. It is fascinating that I, the reader, will be invisible throughout the story. It is a very interesting idea, and I don't think I have encountered another story that uses this idea! I like that you not only have indicators of who is speaking, but also alternative colors so it is easier to read and keep track of the dialogue. I remember you mentioning her movie in the introduction, but it does not seem like it is mentioned again in Cinderella's story. Is it meant to be continued in the second part of this story? Overall, great writing and the pictures are also awesome!

  10. -Wow, you have a nice hook in your introduction. It's really good for a storybook to catch the readers attention in the first few sentences, since this is one of the best ways to get your reader to stick around. I especially like your comment about how the looking is very one-sided.
    -I like how you make the image part of the story, instead of posting a picture that goes with the story, it's something the reader is being shown.
    -I like how the story makes the reader feel like they are part of the story with phrases such as "You arrive outside of a modest house in the countryside."
    -The colors really help with the dialogue. I had no problem distinguishing who is speaking.
    -I was a little surprised that Clarissa was able to interact with Cinderella, especially since they went back in time. Also, if Clarissa can interact with Cinderella, why can't she interact with her father? It would be helpful if you gave a clear explanation of the exact powers of a ghost.

  11. Hey Morgan! I really enjoyed reading through your Storybook! I think that your topic is a great choice, as well as the title, “The Magic of Reading”. I am interested to see the new takes on some of these classic fairy tales, because I grew up absolutely loving fairy tales! Your introduction does a good job of introducing the basic concepts and your future characters. I actually played the ghost of Cinderella in a musical at my high school, so seeing her character as a narrator was a nice throwback down memory lane for me! I thought that the photos of in both your introduction and the first story were great selections to help the reader gain perspective on what is going on. Your first story is a really cool interpretation! I liked how you did the dialogue which made it very clear who was speaking by the color changes. As a whole I really liked your Storybook and can’t wait to read more!

  12. Hi Morgan! I really love the look of your storybook site; the glitter at the top and the purple and pink colors fit so well with the princess stories it focuses on. I thought your introduction was really well written and it was neat to see Cinderella's mother's little quirks as she talked. I liked the idea you came up with of showing us this different side to these princesses and also how you tied it to Charles Perrault in the end. I read your story about Cinderella and thought it was interesting to see the story told from the ghost mothers perspective with lots of emphasis on her relationship with Cinderella. The dialogue you mentioned adding in was a great idea to show more emotion and it always makes things more fun to read when you can picture someone saying the words. I really appreciated the color coding that you did for each speaker and for the descriptions; they were super helpful in keeping everything straight.

  13. I think your storybook was so interesting. I like the layout of your storybook since most of the storybook that I observed had story topics on the left side of the storybook. It took me awhile to figure out where can I click to read your stories but It was definitely interesting and creative idea that you used. I like how you decided to focus on the stories Charles Perrault. Although I was not familiar with his name, I know Cinderella and Red Riding hood for sure. It was an interesting subject you picked. I like how you used different font color for each part of the story. I like how you used black color font for narration, and I like how you used different color of blues for different characters in the story. You are so creative, and I am really impressed about all the details you thought about your storybook. Great job!

  14. Hi Morgan! I just finished reading your Storybook, and I really enjoyed it! I liked how you broke down the wall between the characters and the reader and had the narrators include the reader in the story--you added in a bunch of practical details and that made the situation seem more real, I think--and also how you had the narrators tell us what, exactly, was important about each of those days. I think that it's always interesting to see what anyone thinks "the most important day of their life" is, and it's really interesting from a family member or loved one's point of view, too! The only thing I can remember wondering about is whether or not in Perrault's version of the fairy tale Cinderella is actually able to communicate with her mother's ghost or not--maybe you could pad our your Author's Notes with a few details like those? But anyway, awesome job! I can't wait to see what you do next!

  15. Wow Morgan I really loved your Cinderella story! I liked how you chose to have a different color for each character when they spoke. It made it really easy to follow and it made me pay attention to who was talking. You did a great job at setting the scene and keeping the reader up to date on what was going on… I really felt like I was apart of the story and traveling with Clarissa! It was interesting to get more of a feel for the relationship between Cinderella and her mom since that isn’t shown in the Disney movie. You can tell that they have a strong connection and love for each other, especially when Clarissa starts to tear up watching Cinderella go. It was also interesting seeing everything from the mother’s viewpoint instead of Cinderella’s. It is clear that she feels very protective over her daughter, which is sweet to see! I thought you did a great job!

  16. Cinderella has always been my favorite Disney Princess, so I loved reading you interpretation of The Little Glass Slipper! The way you made the words different colors for various speakers was really great. I felt like I could really follow your story well since it was almost entirely dialogue. I think creating relationships between your characters and loved ones of theirs who have died is a great idea! Since the people aren't actually living, I feel like your characters can be really honest and basically be practically talking to themselves. This way the reader really gets to know them. The time travel was also fun because I love when a narrator knows everything that's going to happen in a story. It makes me, as the reader, feel really in the know, and makes me want to continue reading! I look forward to reading more of your storybook as the semester continues!

  17. Hi Morgan! I just read your introduction and all 3 stories. I really enjoyed it all. I love stories about princesses. It is amazing how much of the original stories have been changed throughout the years, but then again, most of the original stories are pretty gruesome. Disney had to change them in order for them to be suitable for kids to watch. I really like the format of your stories. I never would have thought to have stories where you can see and hear all that is going on, but you can't be seen. I am so glad that you decided to make everyone's dialog a different color. It really helps to keep track to who is talking. You did a wonderful job of setting the scene. I liked that the stories were from a different perspective than the main character in the stories. I will have to check back to see if a fourth story is added or not. Overall great job! Also, I love the background. It really fits with your stories.

  18. Hi Morgan! You are in my storybook group for this week and I am so happy to get to read your stories! I just finished the introduction and absolutely loved it. I like that you made an effort to make it feel like the reader is really there by making the mom tell us where she is since she is invisible. I also like that she almost went off on a rant. It is making me really excited to read the stories. One thing is that you might want to read back through your intro for flow. It is a fantastic intro, but was slightly hard to follow at times. I really think cleaning it up could make it even better!

    I have now read your Cinderella story and I really like the approach you took with it. Focusing on the relationships really makes the reader feel like they are there. It also does contrast well between the mother and the step family's relationships with Cinderella. Good job so far!

  19. Hi again Morgan! I'm in your storybook group again for this week, and I'm glad I got to come back and read what else you added! Now, having finished the Little Red Riding story, I can say that I really like your Storybook as a whole--I think that the three stories and the introduction all hang very well together, while each having different "flavors," if you know what I mean. I liked your version of Little Red Riding Hood for the new ending--I've always hated how the original ended--and for the details you put into the readers' point of view. If you can, you might want to go back through and see what you can add to the readers' experience of the story there as well, since it added a lot of dimension to the story detail- and experience-wise. I thought that it added more of a connection between the reader and the ghost as well, so you hit the effect you were going for there! Anyway, great job, and good luck as you finish up the semester!

  20. Hey Jessica,
    I chose to read your storybook for one of the nominated projects this week, which I had not read your storybook yet. I am really glad I made this choice because it has been one of the best and most interesting storybooks I have read this semester. I can tell that you really took your time and were very detailed in your storybook. I really enjoy the fact that all three of your stories and your introduction flow together really well. It was great to see a new, different ending to Little Red Riding Hood because it freshens up a story that we have all heard many times before. The approach you took with Cinderella was very well done by focusing on the relationships; it makes the stories more personable. It still surprises me how extravagant and different the original stories are compared to the Disney versions. Good job!

  21. Hey Morgan!
    I really Like this storybook topic and the way you set it up, like a ghost being able to talk to the character and the audience. I just read the Cinderella story from the Brothers Gimm, but it was called Ashenputtel. It was funny how you mentioned the whole disney thing and him changing the story, also how she became all famous and the castle is her home. Wonderful! In the Grimm Brothers story they made it seem like Cinderella and her mother had such a strong bond. The "fairy godmother" was actually a tree Cinderella planted by her moms grave and she sat under it and it gave her the beautiful dress. I was adorable how you showed the discussion between Cinderella and her mother after she came back from the ball. I believe thats how it would go if she was able to talk to her mom. Another thing I thought of and you mentioned was Cinderellas father just not noticing that his daughter was being treated so poorly. I wondered that when I was reading the story so Im glad you shined some light there because come on, he shouldve really stood up for his daughter or something. Great storybook! Like always great writing!

  22. Hey Morgan! I loved the Little Red Riding Hood story you included in your project. You did a great job at formatting it in a way that made it clear as to who was talking when by color coordinating everything. I also liked how you included more of how the readers thought process… it added something extra to your story. I can’t imagine what it would be like being Red Riding Hood and seeing your grandmother in a ghost form. I feel like it would be a little frightening! It was interesting to read in your author’s note how Perrault wrote the story to warn his readers about the men who were pursuing little girls in the woods! I would have had no idea that it originated from that. It also now makes sense that he chose to use a wolf to symbolize the men because they do seem so gentle at a first glance! Overall you did a great job!
