Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Introduction to a girl who can't stop watching Mad Men

Hello everyone!
My name is Morgan Clifton and I am a junior at OU. I was originally born in Fort Worth, Texas which, for those of you who don’t know, is about 45 minutes from Dallas. I was born and raised there and spent my entire life there until I moved to Norman, Oklahoma for school. I even went to a Kindergarten through 12th grade preparatory school so, as you can image, moving was a huge transition for me. However, I love OU and am so happy I took the leap and moved out of state!

Here at OU, I am a part of many different organizations. The one I am probably most involved with is Kappa Alpha Theta. I’ve made so many friends through Theta and have been so blessed by the opportunities it has given me! In addition, I am currently an assistant account executive at Lindsey + Asp Advertising and Public Relations. Some of you may know, but for those who don’t, Lindsey + Asp is a student-run advertising and PR firm housed in Gaylord College. We have real clients from the OU and Norman community and do real advertising for them. Since I am an advertising major, it has been such an amazing experience and such a great way to get hands-on experience that I would not have gotten otherwise. Also, since it is on campus, it’s super easy to fit into my schedule during the semester.

 In the future, I would love to get a job at a major advertising agency in Dallas, Texas. I think Dallas would be perfect for me because I love the feel of a city, but don't know how well I would do in one as big as Chicago or New York. If I could live in an apartment in downtown Dallas, I think I could capture the bustling feeling without it being so overwhelming! Also, Dallas has become a huge hub for communications which creates a lot of opportunity in the marketing and communications fields! 

Back home, I have a younger sister who is a senior in high school this year and two stepbrothers. My sister’s name is Natalie and my stepbrothers’ names are Ryker and Reed Richardson. It’s been really interesting living with them because it was just my sister and I until my senior year of high school. Imagine all of a sudden getting two brothers! While it has been an adjustment learning how to live with boys, its been really fun getting to know them.

In addition to my siblings, I also have many pets. At my dad’s house, I have a dog and a cat. My dog’s name is Molly and my cat’s name is Chubby Princess. I kid you not, it is Chubby Princess and the name fits her perfectly. She is a huge, fat Calico cat. She always demands her way and, because she is so persistent and will not stop yowling until she does, she always gets what she wants.

Personal photo of Chubby Princess; Photo from December 2015

At my mom’s house, I have two dogs. One’s name is Maggie and she is a black lab, Catahoula mix. The other dog’s name is Brooke and she is a Shepherd mix. Don’t tell my other pets, but Maggie is my favorite pet by far. She has one eye that is half brown and half blue, and a coat that has so many different blacks, browns, and greys in it that its really unique. She’s also the sweetest, calmest dog you will ever meet. Even as a puppy, she wasn’t as interested in playing as she was in just laying at our feet and being around everyone.

Picture of Maggie as a puppy; photo from Fall 2012

Some other random facts about me is that I love any types of carbs- bread, potatoes, pasta, you name it. I also really enjoy reading if I have any free time. Over winter break I read The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins and loved it. I highly recommend it to anyone who liked Gone Girl. In addition, I started watching Game of Thrones and Mad Men and am obsessed with them right now. In addition, I really like the TV show The Good Wife.

I’m looking forward to getting to know each of you throughout the semester by reading your blogs!


  1. Hey Morgan! You know I was just talking to my cousin about how she may be interested in an advertising major, and here you are majoring in advertising! I had no idea that OU students advertised for their local community. That's a really neat organization! Also, Your cat made me laugh! They way you described her was a "huge, fat calico cat" reminded me of Garfield, which is the best cat of all time. Your dog is beautiful! I recently found a catahoula puppy in Norman, and she was so sweet and adorable. Don't worry though, we eventually found her owner. Good luck in your studies this semester!

  2. Hey Morgan! I'm glad you enjoyed getting to know your new step brothers. My dad remarried when I was in 5th grade, and even though she didn't have any kids of her own, suddenly having "new family" is always an adjustment. But it has definitely been a blessing for us!

    I love your dog! I used to have a black lab named Bella (I had to give her away when I left for college because she stayed at my mom's house and my mom traveled a lot for work. Labs are the best; they're so sweet and loyal. She, however, was not calm. Sometimes, she would run laps around the living room, just for fun.

    I loved Gone Girl! I listened to the audio book, and now Girl on a Train is definitely going on my reading list. I love reading, so the list is getting long. 0.0

    Nice to meet you!

  3. Oh, that picture of your Chubby Princess is wonderful, Morgan! She does look a bit chubby there. We let our last cat get kind of fat (when we found him lost in the woods and adopted him, he had FeLV and the vet said he probably would not live very long, so we let him eat whatever he wanted... and he lived for five years; the vet was amazed - he was fat and happy for those 5 years, which is way longer than an FeLV cat will usually survive) — anyway, we have two other stray cats we found in the woods, and we are careful this time not to let them get too fat. They like to run and play outdoors anyway, so that helps! If I spent my day outside climbing trees, I am sure I would lose some weight too ha ha. And how great that you have dogs too! Maggie looks so sweet: maybe Maggie and Chubby Princess can make an appearance in some story you write for this class! Their different personalities would probably work very well for having them play different roles in some kind of story that you turn into a cat-and-dog tale. I hope you will enjoy the class!

  4. Hi Morgan, my name is Macey! I’m a Junior Advertising major also! That’s awesome that your in Lindsey & Asp, they are a great agency! The middle and high school I went to was had kindergarten to 12th grade as well. I only went there from 6th-12th grade, but many of my friends went there the whole time, we called then “lifers”. Good luck with the rest of your semester, maybe I will see you in an adverting class!

  5. Hey Morgan! I went to high school in Fort Worth too! Which school did you go to? I actually laughed out loud when I read that you have a cat named Chubby Princess… I think I would die laughing every time I said her name to get her attention! I read Girl on a Train this past summer too and loved it. The story was very different than most of the other books I’ve read. I need to find a new show on Netflix maybe I’ll try Mad Men!

  6. Hey Morgan! Im an Ad major and a junior at OU too! Maybe we've had some classes together!
    I will occasionally call my cats "Chubbs" or something commenting on their weight, but I love that your cats name is actually Chubby Princess. It seems fitting by the description of her and the picture you added. Maggie looks like one of the dogs i would retweet on twitter because she is cute. A calm sweet dog is the perfect kind of dog. My old dog Ally was just like that and I loved her more than anything.
    Well I hope you have a great semester!

  7. Hey Morgan, my name is Cody Johnson. It was great to read your introduction and get to meet you! I think it is cool that you are a Advertising Major, what is it that you want to do with that degree? Even though I am allergic to cats, your cat is funny. Your cat's name is extremely comical and gave me a good laugh!

  8. Hi Morgan! Life can be a challenge with step-siblings. Glad to hear that things are going smoothly with that and you are enjoying getting to know them. I love all your pets. I have 6 pets myself, a dog and 5 cats. Advertising sounds like an interesting major. I don't have the slightest idea what that would be like, but it sounds interesting. Hope you have a great semester.

  9. Hey, Morgan! Your blog is so cute!
    I'm from Texas also and I'm super happy about my choice to go to college out of state! I think it's a great experience living somewhere completely new after graduating high school and moving on from that chapter of life.
    I love Greek life here at OU and I am also in the Gaylord College! I absolutely love it and all the opportunities it provides for students like us!
    Wow, you have so many pets! Maggie is so cute. I love dogs!
    Carbs are my absolute favorite! I definitely could not live without them. I've been wanting to start Mad Men! That's my next show after I finish New Girl, so it's good to know you're obsessed with it! Good luck with your spring semester!

  10. Hey Mogran! It is great to get to know you a bit. It looks like you have some awesome and hilarious pets. I can't believe you call your cat chubby princess, she looks like a character. I too have recently gotten into Game of Thrones and have really liked it so far. I didn't realize that Gaylord did advertising for actual clients, that would be such good experience! Good luck with the rest of the year!

  11. Hello Morgan! I know quite a few Theta's because I am from Norman, it seems like there are a ton of Norman thetas. I went to high school with a TON of them. Its a great house! I love reading peoples intro's especially when people have stuff about their dogs. I have a dog myself, actually MY dog, not my parents haha... I decided to get a golden retriever my sophomore year and was kind of scared to make the commitment but it was the best decision i have ever made and I can't imagine my life without him. He is about as spoiled as it gets.

  12. Hey Morgan! That cool that you live in Fort Worth I love it there. I am from Colleyville, if you do not know where that is it is a suburb outside of Dallas. I am in Lindsey + Asp too but I will be graduating in May so hopefully I will be able to find a job in advertising and move to Dallas.

  13. Hi Morgan! Nice to meet you!! I am also and advertising major and would love to work in Lindsey + Asp but unfortunately my cheer schedule permits me from making time for it. I am from Southlake and agree that the DFW area is a prefect place to live after college. I think Dallas is great place for the marketing and communication field, I plan to work there after college myself! Good luck with the rest of the semester! P.S - your pets are adorable :)

  14. Hey Morgan! I have heard about Lindsey + Asp and I think it is such an amazing opportunity for OU students to get advertising experience! Your dog Maggie is absolutely adorable and the photo of her seems to capture her perfectly. I love traveling to Fort Worth and Dallas, so I can see why you would want to live there! Good luck with the rest of your semester!

  15. Hi Morgan! I thought that your title to this blog was funny because I"m also obsessed with Mad Men! I'm a senior advertising major from Colleyville, Texas, so we grew up around each other/are in the same major! I would love to work in a big ad agency in Dallas after I graduate in this May. I interned at one in Dallas this summer and it was so fun and such a great working experience! Good luck with the rest of your semester!

  16. Hi Morgan,
    It is nice to meet you. I am in the Epics of Indian course and have decided to visit your blog. Your pets are really cool. Your family sounds great. Dallas is a great city. There are a lot of good job opportunities. It sounds like you have your career plans together. I hope you will have success. Good luck with the rest of the semester.

  17. Hey Morgan! It was nice getting to read your introduction and get to know you a little better. I like all your pets and your cat seems like she must be pretty funny. That is crazy how Maggie has two different eye colors. I think living in Dallas would be fun and I agree in that it is a good size and not too big. I don't know if I could live downtown for a long time but definitely for a couple years. That is also really cool that Gaylord has that advertising agency within the college. I bet that looks really good for when you are looking for jobs. Goodluck the rest if the year!

  18. Hey Morgan, nice to meet you! First off, it's so funny your cats name is Chubby Princess! She looks super cute and cuddly! lol It seems like you have your next few years planned out with where you want to be after graduation and what you want to do, and that's great! I also love the Dallas area! I think it's a perfect place to move after college! Although I don't know where I'll be yet, that's always an option. Good luck on the rest of the semester!

  19. Hey Morgan!
    I thought you could be one of the people I would reconnect with since we have another class together, but NEVER see each other! Which is okay since we are in a competition! I hope you're coping with all your schoolwork well, because I know I am a total mess right now! That puppy picture gets me everytime! Maggie is too cute! Well Have a great rest of your semester and ill see you next friday!

  20. Hey Morgan! Good luck finding a job in Dallas, that would be such a fun place to live. I am also watching Thrones right now, the episode last night was crazy! I don't know if you have watched the movie for Gone Girl, but it is really great. Probably my favorite movie of the last year or two. If you enjoyed the book I would definitely recommend checking it out.
