Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Reading Plan- Weeks 9 and 10

For week 9, I want to read the stories of the Mississippi Valley/Great Lakes unit. I chose this unit because I do not have any experience with the Biloxi. I want to learn more about the values they incorporate into their stories and the information they deem valuable. As I've mentioned before, I like reading different cultures ideas on creation and how things came to be, and this unit seems to be centered around this. In addition, I like the idea of trickster rabbit and would like to read more about this. Lastly, to be honest, I like how many of the stories in the unit are pretty short. I have a really hard time maintaining attention and focus for long, multipage stories. 

For week 10, I want to read the stories from the Inuit people. I think their stories will be fascinating because their setting will be in the polar world and it contains levels of supernatural beings like ghosts. I'm really excited to read more of this unit since I really enjoyed the first story, The Coming of Men, A Long, Long While Ago. 

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