Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Blog Ideas

There were several blogs that I enjoyed looking at, however there were three that really caught my eye. 

Two of them were sort of for the same reasons. I thought Adrienne's blog Mythology and Folklore was cool because she used color schemes I hadn't seen before. She really inspired me to play with the background and text box to find a look that really captured my personality. I also really liked the images that she used. I thought they were well thought out and added to her interpretations of the stories. From what I read, Adrienne and I could probably be very good friends because we have the same humor and like the song Lush Life.

The second blog I enjoyed was Cassie's blog. I mentioned this in my comment to her, but for some reason her color scheme reminded me of strawberry ice cream. I also liked the cream, off-white color she used for the text box. It added color without it being overwhelming or busy. 

Lastly, I really liked the color scheme of Jasmine's blog. I really enjoy the color combination of the teal, black and white, and pink. She did a good job of adding in color without it seeming overwhelming. I also enjoyed how she linked her Pinterest account to her blog. It added an element that I did not see on many others and really intrigued me! I wanted to get to know more about her and had the possibility to through clicking around on her Pinterest boards. 

1 comment:

  1. Great blog Morgan! It is very neat and organized. Because you are organized with the structure of your blog makes it easy to read and find items. Thanks for inspiring me to clean up my blog a little to make it easy to look at!
