Thursday, March 24, 2016

Reading Diary Week 9, continued: Myths and Legends of Alaska

Today, I finished the Myths and Legends of Alaska. 

The First Woman was really weird story to me. I get the point- that women in the north are good with their hands and women in the south are good dancers. But why did the woman have to be ripped apart?? It seemed really harsh and gruesome and I wish that wasn't how the tale went. 

The Land of the Dead was especially intriguing to me. I thought it was interesting how their storytelling included how dogs felt when they were beaten. It really seemed to teach lessons of empathy and understanding that must have been valued in their culture. I am curious why the two wrongs they chose to point out were chewing on the grass and beating the dogs, rather than acts against each other, for example. I would like to research more to see if I could understand why these two issues were brought up in the story. I also liked their emphasis on the festival of the dead. It must have been a very important part of their culture since they felt a need to explain it's existence. 

Illustration of the Land of the Dead from Judson's book

The Cradle Song was interesting because it was so relatable. I think everyone learns lullabies as they grow up, and this was my first time to read one from another culture. I think its cool that, even though Alaska is part of the United States, they still have their own culture and traditions that are completely separate. I'm learning that this includes creation stories, values, and so much more. 

The Discontented Grass Plain seemed really weird to me because, in the end, the grass had become a wolf. I couldn't tell if the story was trying to encourage one to find contentment in their life, or if it was explaining why the wolves are separate from each other. If it was to explain the wolves, I'm not sure why they did it in such an indirect way. In my own storytelling, I would like to be direct where the reader doesn't have to wonder my point. Confusion is something I've run into a lot while reading this unit. I guess because I am not as familiar with the Alaskan culture and it's history? 

Bibliography: Myths and Legends of Alaska, edited by Katharine Berry Judson

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