Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Famous Last Words

Since its near the end of the semester, I decided to do a quick Famous Last Words blog to reflect on my week and kind of the semester as a whole. I can't believe that at the end of this week, it will be May and the year will be basically over! It always flies by and I feel like next year will be even worse. 

So, this week I actually got my reading done early! Which was a first for me. Since some of my classes were cancelled due to presentations and others were cancelled for the storms, I had more time on my hands than usual. It feels good to know that I am on track to finish the week on time, especially this close to the end of the semester. I have not done my storytelling yet, but I plan to later this afternoon or tomorrow. 

My other classes are really picking up since it is the end of the semester. I am in one class, advertising media, that demands so much time! My group consistently works on the project, which is great, but we still have so much to do. I can't even think about it or I start getting stressed out. Luckily, the class is really interesting to me and is for my major. It helps the time spent feel worthwhile. 

On top of that, I had another project due on Monday that we have to present on Thursday. Its a group project so finding time to get the entire group together to practice is nearly impossible. We always meet up around 9pm which means were on campus so late! I am ready for that project to be over.

Then, in my Public Speaking class, we have our final speeches this week and next. My speech was supposed to be today but I was not ready. Thank goodness my teacher allows flexibility and I was able to move it to next Thursday. That way, I will have more time to be adequately prepared. I just couldn't get it together this week since I was in Houston all weekend for a wedding.

Regardless of all the stress I feel and that I am a little behind in school now, I really enjoyed the wedding. I went with my boyfriend's family, so I got to know them more. The actual wedding was beautiful and it was obvious that they had spent a lot of money to hold the best event that they could. It was also super interesting because the bride married a guy from France. She had been working in London and met him on the train. His father and grandparents did not speak English, so parts of the wedding and the toasts were in French while the other parts were in English. Also, a ton of his friends came so there were a lot of people there who were from Europe. It was so interesting talking to them and I loved hearing about all of their experiences. All of the countries are so close together in Europe, that it seems like they had been everywhere! 

Personal picture of the wedding reception
Overall, it was a wonderful weekend and a much needed break from all of the assignments that are due at school! 

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