Sunday, February 7, 2016

Tech Tip: Twitter Follow

I decided to do some tech tips this week for my extra credit. Since I have a Twitter account, but hardly ever use it, I decided to revive it some by following some new accounts. The account I followed this week is Glamour magazine. I followed Glamour because I really like the magazine and the content that they publish. It's beneficial advice thats targeted towards women like me and my friends! I also am very interested in working in the magazine industry in the future and Glamour is one of the publications I would love to work at! 

Glamour Magazine's logo

This past November, I was lucky enough to go to New York City with the magazine interest group in Gaylord. We visited multiple magazine headquarters to get connections to people in the industry and start networking. Glamour was one of the magazines we visited, and I loved the atmosphere and the people that I met who worked there! I don't know why I didn't follow them earlier! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey!! I am so jealous you went to New York City in November! Being a Gaylord student, I have always wanted to go on the magazine interest group trip or the domestic advertising trip but can never go because I will miss cheer :( But that is so exciting that you got to visit Glamour! I’m glad you found them on Twitter after seeing the company in person!
