Sunday, February 21, 2016

Thoughts about Comments

I really enjoyed taking time to read all of the comments on my post today! Admittedly, I do not go back and read these as much as I should. While I was reading over them, there were two things that really stood out to me.

The first, was when people quoted back part of my story to give an example as to what they were referring to. To me, this proved that they actually read the story and could site the parts that interested them or made them think. I think it shows a certain level of attention when someone can do this.

Also, I liked when people asked good questions about something I had written. This also showed me that they were thinking while they read my post and were interested in the material enough to follow up. This made me feel like they actually enjoyed reading what I had written and wanted to know more! I think this is a good way to compliment someone subtly in a more meaningful way than saying "good story!". 

When writing my comments, I would like to start doing both of the things I mentioned above. I write people a lot of compliments about what they have posted. However, I think I could give more meaningful feedback by asking questions, siting what I was talking about when complimenting or critiquing, and just seeming more interested in general. Also, I would have liked more constructive criticism on my blog as well. While its not always fun to read, I do believe it helps me develop into a better writer and I am interested on what people like or don't like. Lastly, I would like it if some people posted some storytelling ideas that they might have used for the story. I struggle to think of creative ways to write sometimes when I am trying to do the assignment, so I think it might help me to read other people's interpretations of how they would have done it and have more styles in mind to use. I want to add both of these methods into my comment writing, but in a nice way so that people don't think I'm hating on their story! 

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